UH HRCH CH Kasomor's Gunslinging Cowboy SH WCX TDCH RE CDX
DOB 09 December 2017
(CH Kasomor's Chips Ahoy By La Brisa x GMH OTCH Kasomor's Pop 'Em N Drop 'Em MH WCX)
CH Kasomor's Chips Ahoy By La Brisa PCD RI x
OTCH CH Kasomor's Pop 'Em N Drop 'Em MH WCX
DOB December 9, 2017
Wyatt's dam is GMH OTCH CH Kasomor's Pop 'Em N Drop 'Em WCX. Kimber is the only female Obedience Trial Champion, Grand Master Hunter, conformation Champion in the breed. She is also hunted over. Chip, CH Kasomor's Chips Ahoy By La Brisa PCD RI, Wyatt's sire, is accomplished both in his involvement in the Chilliwack 4-H Dog club and in the CKC. Both are family pets, are house dogs and have impeccable temperaments.
Wyatt's owner, Kristen, wanted a family hunting dog that she could compete in dog sports with.
She certainly got that with Wyatt!
Wyatt is an extremely biddable, well tempered, social dog. He lives with his family in Ontario, which includes two young boys, cats and horses. He is Kristen’s loyal companion and can be found pretty much anywhere she is.
Kristen and Wyatt entered the world of dog sports as novices together focusing on conformation, obedience, Rally Obedience, Hunt Tests and upland hunting. He is completely owner trained and handled in all venues.
Wyatt achieved his conformation Champion title with minimal showing, Kristen would often only enter him in one or two shows a weekend. He started showing in November 2018, and finished his title early February 2019 at 14 months old!
After completing his Championship Wyatt and Kristen shifted their focus to the Rally Obedience ring where Wyatt easily earned his Rally Novice and Rally Advanced titles by May 2019. In February 2020 Wyatt completed his Rally Excellent title.
Wyatt and Kristen entered the obedience ring in July 2019 where he successfully completed his Companion Dog title consistently earning scores around 195. The team continues to train and will be working towards the Companion Dog Excellent title for 2020.
Wyatt and Kristen’s favorite dog sport is hunting. Wyatt is extremely birdy and biddable in the field. He shows excellent steadiness and control in both waterfowl and upland hunting.
In June 2019 Wyatt earned his Junior Hunter title and Working Certificate title.
August 2019 Wyatt finished his Started Hunting Retriever title with the UKC. Kristen and Wyatt are active members within their local Hunting Retriever Club. The 2019 Hunt Test season finished with a bang where Wyatt earned his Working Certificate Intermediate title! Over the winter Wyatt has participated in several pheasant hunts and tower shoots. He has proven to be an excellent upland hunting dog. He is steady to flush and shot and will be working towards his UKC Upland and CKC Senior Hunter titles in 2020.
Health Clearances
Hips - OFA Good DTR-2704G24M-VPI
Elbows - OFA Normal DTR-EL1419M24-VPI
Cardiac - OFA Normal
JADD OFA - Clear By Parentage
CP1 OFA - Clear By Parentage
CPLS - Clear By Parentage
DM - Clear By Parentage
DEN - Clear By Parentage
PRA - Carrier
CEA - Clear by Parentage
EYES - CAER January 2020
At just 19 months old Wyatt earned the Nova Scotia DuckTolling Retriever Club of Canada Dobirstein Award!
"The purpose of this award is to recognize and encourage the versatility of the Toller and to discourage the split between the show dogs and the working dogs that is seen in other breeds."
Wyatt is a 4th Generation Dobirstein Award recipient following in his mother Kimber, grandam Tikka and great-grandam Trio's paw prints. Currently there is approximately 120 tollers who have earned this award since it was established in 1992. He has joined rare company indeed!
This ALL before his 2nd Birthday....
I couldn't be more thrilled with the journey that Kristen is on with her partner Wyatt! Stay tuned....
2020: Wyatt earns his Trick Dog Champion title and his Companion Dog Excellent obedience title!
Kristen and Wyatt are targeting pheasant, duck and geese during the hunting season. Wyatt is awesome to watch.
Wyatt stands 19" tall and weighs 48lbs. He has
substance and strong bone. Lovely masculine head, a solid top line, fabulous coat.... and he is smart.
Wyatt lives 45 minutes outside on Toronto Ontario. He will be running HRC Hunt Tests, CKC Hunt Tests and will be in the obedience ring too in the upcoming years. Keep an eye out for Kristen and Wyatt...
Breeding enquirers regarding Wyatt can be made to kasomor@shaw.ca
Fast is fine but accuracy is everything
~Wyatt Earp~